Ready for EMAIL? THEN GO!

Are you ready to read your email? Are you ready to handle the Inbox? Are you ready to make a decision about each email? If you answered “Yes” to these three questions, then you might be ready. If you didn’t answer “Yes,” then you shouldn’t be going to your Inbox. This begs the question “Why […]

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Reduce Interruptions and Save Time

There are 132 unique Tips, Tools, and Techniques in the PEP® Program. We monitor our programs to see which of these ideas are currently percolating to the surface. The one tool that has been excitingly embraced by our recent PEP® graduates is Batching. The great thing about Batching is that the basis of this skill is inherently part […]

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A Decade in Review – Where Do We Spend Our Work Time?

Each year PEPworldwide-USA surveys its PEP Program participants to determine how people are spending their time on various workplace tasks. Those surveyed represent all facets of US business and governmental organizations. The numbers expressed are in hours per week, per person (hpw/pp). Here is what we have found: Technology has had a significant impact on how […]

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